Friday, March 21, 2014


 CH 8564 Lipperswil (TG)
Connyland is a leisure park located in Lipperswil near Konstanz.
They have diff. attractions such as:
*Voodoo Island
*Dino attack
and a whole lot more!


meet and greet with the park's mascott.
 Fantastic dolphin Show for the whole Family.
our favorite Long slide ,i think we had like 10 rounds or more,it was really fun!
Conny-Land offers you numerous attractions - with such a variety, pieced together so lovingly, boredom is certainly not going to appear.
The Picture above is inside the Dino-attack attraction,you'll be seated with a laser-gun with you going to a pre-historic journey  hunting the dinosaurs,it was somehow terrifying for the small ones coz they will appear at the place that you won't expect them to be  and all of a sudden they will move towards you lol and at the end they took a snapshot of our funny scared face which is a nice souvenire.
.A funny remembrance of our Connyland trip.
check the link below for  the ticket information:

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